Advanced EVM: Planned vs. Actual + Forecast Cost
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Projects Comparison & Forecast
Planned vs. Actual + Forecast Cost (Concurrency-Based)
- Calculated as of the Current Day input (day-by-day concurrency for partial completions up to Current Day).
- Dependencies handle FS, FF, SS, SF with lead/lag (no cycles).
- All costs are evenly distributed across each activity’s duration (planned cost and actual cost up to Current Day).
- After the Current Day, the actual cost line switches to a single EVM-based forecast line using:
- Forecast Finish Day = currentDay + ((plannedDuration - currentDay) / SPI)
- EAC = ACcd + (BAC – EVcd) / CPI
- SV = EV – PV, CV = EV – AC, SPI = EV / PV, CPI = EV / AC.
- The red vertical line is at the maximum current day among all projects for each chart.
- Day count starts at day zero. For example, if your Current Day is 15, that refers to the end of day index 14 in zero-based calculations.